The Facts Down Under
From Richard Alston Sir: It is unfortunate that in his desperation to denigrate Tony Blair, Matthew Norman regurgitated oft-repeated mythology about the Australian 2001 election......
A Man For All Parties
From Mira Bar-Hillel Sir: Before saying that I agree with every word in Roger Scruton’s article about Quinlan Terry and his Modernist enemies (‘Hail Quinlan Terry’, 8 April), I......
No Contest
From Hugh Davies Sir: What an absurd demographic comparison Irwin Stelzer makes between Blackburn and Birmingham, Alabama (‘The road from Alabama to Blackburn’, 1 April)!......
Newman On Women
From Ian Ker Sir: I think Paul Johnson (And another thing, 1 April) has confused Cardinal Newman with someone else. The view of the Last Judgment he attributes to Newman is......