Malton Company National Reservists. L're Tvs Editor Or...
SIR, —The Spectator was so largely concerned in bringing the National Reserve into existence, and takes so keen an interest in all that concerns it, that I think the following......
War With Austria.
[To TIM EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR,"] SIR,—After a delay presumably due to reasons of tactics and diplomacy, the inevitable has happened, and this country is at war with......
The Government's Insurance Scheme.
[To TILE EDITOR or THE "SFECT1TOR.1 Sin,—Possibly before these lines are in print matters may regulate themselves, but in the meantime to say that the Government's present war......
The Corps Of Guides.
[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."1 SIR; I have just seen our Chief Guide, and suggested to him that we should largely increase our numbers, for in remote country districts such......
F. D. Ala_urice On The Breaking Down Of National Boundaries.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SpEct1Tort."] SIR,—The following quotation from a letter of the Rev. F. D. Maurice (Life, VoL IL, p. 251) to the Rev. Charles Kingsley may be of interest......