The Case Of Finland
Snt,—Commenting in your issue of August 1st on Finland's break of diplomatic relations with Britain, you remarked that Finland cannot expect much British sympathy in the face of......
Letters To The Editor
THE "SOUL" OF. GERMANY Sta,—I think we should be well-advised to handle this conception, and the related notions of a " collective unconscious," " a generalised racial......
"peace By Economics"
Sty—It is not only the continental peoples, as Mr. Mark Sterling suggested in his well-timed article, " Peace by Economics," in The Spectator of July 25th, which are far more......
American History
Sm,—Mr. Gloag's letter is very pertinent. It is possible, howe\ e. that those for whom American history is a new field may fir. The Epic of America pretty hard going in view of......
In Defence Of Parents -
SIR, —As a member of the Education Committee of a large provinca city, which has had more than its share of air raids, I am as keel as anyone could be that school-children......