15 DECEMBER 1961, page 14

Sir,—however Facetious Miss Monica Furlong's Article May...

an old attender of Dr. Hunkin's lectures deplore even more the Mr pant answers of Mr. Montefiore and Professor Lampe, his theological successors at Gonville and Caius College?......

A Ministry Of Tourism?

Sat,—I would take issue with Lord Altrincham over one point in his article on November 24. During the past academic year, as a recipient of a Fulbright gran t to King's College,......

Appeasement Then And Now

Sm,—None of your correspondence on Mr. Brian Inglis's review of Mr. Macleod's book on Neville Chamberlain has referred to his despair of any alternative to • the......

Sir,—i Believe That Utterances Like The Last Para- Graph Of

Mr. E. Goldsworthy's letter in last week's Spectator do more harm to the cause of nuclear dis- armament than much polemic from the opposing side. The question, as it presents......

Share My Chalice

SIR,—It is such letters as that of G. W. R. Thomson (November 17) that must make all true seekers of Christian unity almost despair. 'Dissenters,' he says . , 'have no use or......

Feeding The Lions Lady Wootton

Appeasement Then and Now Elaine Windrich, Patrick Du Val The Mind of MRA J. H. Barnes, Rachel C. Fisher, R. J. Martin, L. F. P. Fox Share My Chalice Rev. Gordon K. Hawes, Rev.......

The Mind Of Mra

SIR,—In his endeavour to give a comprehensive survey of the mind of Moral Re-Armament, Mr. Gascoigne has overlooked one very vital point. He does not mention either God or Jesus......

Sir,—mr. Bamber Gascoigne Takes Nearly Three Pages Of...

in an effort to prove that MRA is naive. But if he thinks this, why take up so much time and effort to say so? The simple truth is that whatever he put down on paper, he knows......

Sir, It Must Be News To Many People That Divorce ,

perversion and dishonesty are in truth only 'liberalism' as your correspondent, Mr. Gascoigne , suggests. Isn't it time that we woke up to the fact that such thinking has opened......

Sir,-1 Have Just Read Bamber Gascoigne's Article, The...

MRA' in your issue of December 8. Though I am in complete agreement with the feelings expressed, I think an important factor has been omitted. Surely the danger of MRA lies......