12 Year Old Scotch Whisky
COMPETITION e vaVAS 12 YEAR OLD SCOTCH WHISKY Re sv Pansy Jaspistos I n Competition No. 1655 you were in- vited to write a modern ' Pansy ' , following D. H. Lawrence ' s......
Solution To 986: Constellation 1, G 2 Eick 0 S Nviiif12...
- EITE.CHAMAIEL E03HIV VAEGUSODLP A NOOR A AV1 7 1 3 rRtK INK'bENIC 11 0 0 IL E 719 I OUrS1 LI K y ft L IORA 2 eR 2 V EN A I L L E E CER T AI AIN A TI El R !ILI 0 0741 , 1' I......
A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word 'Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions......
No. 1658: Quiz
You all know those super-intelligent quiz- zes that are set in organs such as The Spectator over Christmas. You are invited to provide a parody of them in the form of various......