[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir,—since This Is Not
a controversial letter, it may possibly be admitted to your columns. I have been surprised to see in the correspondence no reference to a striking pamphlet advocating the......
[to The Editoz Of Tee "spect1tor:] Sir,—in Deference To The
wish of your correspondent "H. E. T., " expressed in his letter to the Spectator of February 1st, for further discussion on this subject, perhaps you will allow me,......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."j Sir,—in The Article
entitled "St. Luke as Artist " which appeared in the Spectator of February rat the following words occur :—" The behaviour of the Jewish rabble before Gallio, when with utter......
Agnostics And Suicide.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SrECTATOR.1 Slit,—In your issue of February 8th you unintentionally do a grave inj ustice to agnostics by editorially commending as " sound and worthy "......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator:] The Spectator Of February
1st is a very interesting paper on Pembrokeshire, and special attention is drawn to a part of that county, supposed to have been colonised by Flemings, where English only is......
St. Luke As Artist.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] read with great pleasure your able and exhaustive article in the Spectator of February 1st on " St. Luke as Artist, " more particularly that......
[to The Editor Of Tee " Spectator "] Sin,—francis Bacon...
one of the offices of medicine was to mitigate pain; whether with a view to convalescence or to procuring an easy and tranquil departure from life. He adds : —" At nostris......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
Sin,—In connection with the discussion on euthanasia, your readers may be interested in the following extract from Sir Thomas More ' s " Utopia. " I quote from Raphe Robynson '......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Without wishing to encroach too much on your accus- tomed courtesy, I should like to quote the late Canon Liddon on the subject of the......