15 FEBRUARY 1935, page 1

* * Germany And The Air Pact The German Reply

to the Anglo-French proposals regarding an air pact to give new force to the Locarno Treaty ii4mmediately expected, and if it is in accordance both with rumour and with inherent......

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1721. Entered as second -class Mail Matter at the New York, N.Y. Post Office, Dec. 23rd, 1896. Foetal subscription 308. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage on this......

Dictatorships Modified • The Movements In The Direction...

resembling a Parliamentary system in certain Eastern European countries hitherto under some form of dictator- ship has its significance. Turkey has just concluded its general,......

News Of The Week

T HE alarmist rumours disseminated at the beginning of the week regarding Italian mobilization and an ultimatum to Abyssinia have fortunately no substance. There have been......