War In The Yemen
SIR,—As one of the very few journalists who have visited the royalist part of the Yemen since the coup d'etat I hope you will allow me to comment on Mr. Desmond Stewart's......
Sir, -1 Don't Wish To Attack Advertising For Fear Of Getting
myself daubed with Mr. Copland's yellow paint. But I'd like to know if the Advertising Stan- dards Authority fully examined the claims of the Conservative Party before the last......
Sir.—i Do Not Pretend That All Is Completely Well In
the advertising business but still think there is a lot in what Mr. Copland says. 1 feel, too, the problem is a good deal broader than he suggests. I think Anthony Crosland, in......
Sirt,the Dividing Line Between (a) Genuine Selling (b)...
and (c) downright law- breaking dishonesty, strikes me as being very tenuous. Take the example of a famous firm dealing in certain office machines. Always new representatives......
American Influences
SIR,—I have for some time had a general im- pression that BBC TV programmes contain a dis- proportionately high amount of material which is either of direct US origin or......
Enemies Of Advertising Snt,—since Nobody Else Seems To Be...
ingenuous to make the obvious answer to the ad-men please may 1? The purpose of advertising is to distort the truth. The purpose of all creative workers, all civilised people in......
Malaysia Sat,—the Spectator's Views On Malaysia Are...
prove correct. As, however, certain facts which conflict with the orthodox standpoint on Malaysian Federation have not been fully stated in any quarter I have seen, it would be......
Sir, — One Of The Odd Things About The British Press,...
the financial importance of the subject to them, is how few journals are prepared to discuss at all objectively the function and place of advertising in a free-enterprise......
Wait's Wait
SIR,—How hard it is when one's heroes falter! Leslie Adrian should re-read the chapter on the Conservation of Energy, and then consider just where the electrical energy consumed......
Sir,—whatever Apprehension The Advertising Profes- Sion...
enemies, on the evidence of recent correspondence it must be terrified of its friends. Mr. Copland's exposition seemed to seek to persuade us that the enemies of advertising are......