15 JUNE 1996, page 29


Sir: During your predecessor's time there was talk of putting pictures of your regular contributors at the head of their articles so that those of us far away from home would......

A Trencherman Too

Sir: Anne McElvoy seems to have misread the expression on Peter Mandelson's pinched white cheeks as I interviewed him over dinner at Interlude de Chavot last February CI danced......

Misplaced Nostalgia

Sir: Peter Phillips's article (Arts, 25 May) on the supposed malaise currently affecting the classical recording industry is one-sided and highly misleading . Yes, there are......

Plays On Words

Sir: A question to radio's Brains' Trust dur- ing the war was on the lines of 'Is the pun the lowest form of wit and humour?'(Lead- er, 1 June). The panel of Joad, Huxley and......

Sir: Lady Astor (if It Was She) Said, 'navel Engagement

without loss of semen' — much neater than 'intercourse' and punnier (Let- ters, 8 June). Ross Watkin Pigeonhouse Cottage, Rectory Road, Mugswell, Surrey......

Sir: I Am Amused To Read That Jan Morris Thinks

John Major 'slightly makes up' for the least prepossessing British government in living or historical memory and might even be a 'decent enough sort of fellow'. Tch, tch. Such......

An All-time Low

Sir: Bruce Anderson is wrong in attributing the famous cartoon 'Very well, alone' to the Daily Mirror cartoonist, Zec (Politics, 25 May). It was drawn by David Low, and appeared......

Singing The Blues

Sir: Jan Morris need not worry that the Conservatives will win the next general election (`Mr Blair, loser of the Labour Party', 8 June), although she may be right to question......