15 MARCH 1935, page 38

The Modern Bank Clerk

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] 4111,-1 notice in the Financial Supplement to your issue of March 1st, "Veteran " writes under the heading of "The Modern Bank Clerk," and if I......

' The Spectator" Crossword No. 129

Br zzwo . [ - 4 prize alone guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution Of this week', crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword......

Prog Ress In The Iet.ivities And Also In The Profits Of

that remar kable able undertaking, the Prudential Assurance Company, continues unabated. The latest report is a particularly good one, inasmuch as for the first time all......

Solution To Crossword No. 128

MIDI 1 4 El A Cr A 0J: - A C1 U AI RISI S 01 Ri Al LW. I I L L II PI Ul T I I I SI EMI Sip L L El NI I El XIH1 Olin I GIG R RIR! El BLE11 - 117K. V Al G1 E I AIAIRIEISIU ER......