15 MAY 1926, page 1

The Interest Of The Week Is In Its Retrospect And

we need not apologize for reviewing all that has happened. The organizers of the general strike tried to do what has never been done before—to force the Govern- ment and the......

News Of The Week

T HE unexpected general strike has had an unexpec- tingly swift ending and the nation is filled with re- joicing. We have had a lesson and we must profit by it. If we do, all......

The T.u.c. Was Influenced, We Imagine, Not Only By Sir

John Simon's exposition—which we refer to later— of the illegality of the general strike, but still more by Mr. Justice Astbury's ruling on the same subject. This is to its......

It Was Common Report That The Moderate Labour Leaders, Like

Mr. J. H. Thomas and Mr. Pugh, who during the greater part of the negotiations were in the ascendant on the Industrial Committee of the Trades Union Con- gress, did not believe......

Mr. Baldwin Announced The Good News In The House Of

Commons on Wednesday afternoon. He said that the General Council of the T.U.C. had informed him that morning that it had decided to call off the strike. He and his colleagues......

Important Notice To Subscribers.

Owing to the increase in the number of Postal Subscribers to the SPECTATOR it is necessary for notices of Changes of Address to be received by midday on Monday of each week.......