15 NOVEMBER 1930, page 14

Country Life

A MECHANIZED FARM. The Oxford Institute that researches so fruitfully into farm management has issued a leaflet that illustrates and supports the thesis of Mr. Orwin's latest......

A Bird Story.

Here is a " tall story " about a bird and a car, for the truth of which I can vouch. After all, height and truth in a narra- tive are not incompatible. In a journey from Oxford......

Experimentally On Two Or Three Great Estates. But There Have

been very successful introductions, including the pheasant and some of the deer. This week three foreigners, whose appearance not a little surprised, were seen at large in one......

I Had Thought That My Dossier Of The Crimes Of

the grey squirrel, so rashly " enlarged " in England, was complete. The case is proven against it in the questions of the destruction of eggs and young animals, of fruit, even......

A Brave Little Rose.

In a season notable for late roses one of the newer dwarf polyantha has stood out in especial splendour. At the opening of November, before the heavy white frosts began, beds of......

Though The Spread Of This Alien Is General It Has

favourite spots, and, as it seems to me, rather prefers populous places. It is massed in the neighbourhood of Berkhampstead, which competes with a favourite region in......

The Spectator.

Before going abroad or away from home readers are advised lo place an order for the SrEcrvron. The journal will be forwarded to any address at the following rates :— One Month......

Game Preservers Are Experimenting With A Great Number Of...

; and some species are found to be singularly vagrant for the race. If anyone discovers one of them far from any place where pheasants are bred, news of the appear. ance would......

The Value Of Specialization Will Seem To Most People Over-

emphasized ; but not the value of more good machinery, of mechanization. Here is an example from the mouth of a man of singularly wide experience in many countries : " In the......