Unwelcome Hosts
There seems to be some doubt whether the wild anemone is or is not a harbourer. These hosts are a great nuisance. I once transplanted a wild spindle into my garden and planted......
The Lakes
With this much reservation we must all acknowledge that the Lakes demand peculiar treatment. They are alongside a teeming population though themselves very sparsely populated.......
October Nestlings
On the first or second of October four thrushes left their nest which was built in ivy on the wall of a cottage in Hert- fordshire. When the owner, of the cottage fed these......
Local Records
Oxford—the Shire not the University—has been quoted as giving a lead to the counties in the matter of preserving and making available county records. Its next door neighbour......
Anemones V. Plums
Many questions have reached me concerning an allusive reference to the queer fact that anemones are antipathetic to plum trees ! The scientific view is as follows. I am indebted......
Country Life
A National Park It is rather surprising perhaps that the Friends of the Lakes and their Honorary Treasurer, that most charming of writers, Mr. H. H. Symonds, are putting forth a......
An Historian's View
The whole subject of National Parks is to be discussed on October 16th by Professor G. M. Trevelyan at the annual conference of - the C.P.R.E. at Leamington. Preservation owes......