15 OCTOBER 1948, page 2

The Case Of Mr. Sylvester

The monstrous sentence of seven years' imprisonment passed by a Jewish court in Jerusalem on a British subject, Mr. Sylvester, is a political gesture which is not likely to......

President Of Columbia

It is still a disappointment to many Americans that General Eisenhower preferred the Presidency of Columbia University to that of the United States, but it is a good deal easier......

Dawn At Transport House

Those ordinary citizens who, taking the need for increased pro- duction as a matter of course, were shocked at Tuesday's statement by the T.U.C. that there is still a great deal......

The Dollar Balance

The central point of Monday's Treasury statement on the dollar balance was that in the three months ended September 3oth the sterling area paid out £76,000,000 more, in gold and......

Mr. Truman Does It Again

There was never much to be said for Mr. Truman, as President of the United States. From his first brusque cutting-off of Lend- Lease, at the first moment permitted by the letter......