A New Insult
From Mr Lionel Slier Sir: DJ. Taylor (Bastard liberalism', 8 September) touches on a word which is of great interest here in South Africa. Since 1994 the meaning of the words......
The Myth Of Cheap Labour
From Mr James N. Docherty Sir: Ross Clark's plea for freer immigration (The land of opportunity', 8 September) was heard 40 years ago: 'Who will staff our factories and......
The Pros Of Id Cards
From Mr Clive Kaye Sir: Like many liberal commentators Matthew Parris (Another voice, 8 September) dismisses all thought of identity cards without considering the ancillary......
'zionists' And The Anc
From Professor Kader Asmal, MP Sir: The South African parliamentarian Tony Leon is selective in his facts and tendentious in his views ('Who are they calling neoNazi?', 25......
Old School Truths
ram Mr C.D.C. Armstrong Sir: Leo McKinstry's description of our old school, Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, as a sectarian establishment (The triumph of the pygmies', 23......