Lift Sanctions On Iran
Sir: The resolution of the Iranian nuclear crisis is breathtakingly simple, were sanity to prevail (Iran will be next', 8 September). Iran does not need an atom bomb to attain......
Critical Mass
Sir: Damian Thompson, in his excellent article (8 September) on the Pope's motu proprio, which has restored the right to celebrate and attend the liturgical form previously......
We Knew Him As Emily
Sir: I read with interest the meeting between Mary Wakefield and Clarissa Dickson Wright (A pin-up for Scottish pensioners', 8 September) and was touched by her appeal to......
Tv Tricks
Sir: I was pleased to see from Rod Liddle's piece that David Kermode at Channel 5 is banning a string of 'hackneyed TV news tricks' (Liddle Britain, 8 September). Would he......
Running With The Ball
Sir: Rod Liddle's put-down of rugby in favour of football (A game devoid of skill', 8 September) reminds me of the old adage that rugby is a game for hooligans played by......
Silver, Not Gold
Sir: Paul Johnson asserts that the Maria Theresa thaler (still circulating as a currency in East Africa when I first went there in the 1950s') was a gold coin (And another......
Arms Race
Sir: Without wishing to comment on the content of Matthew Lynn's article on Britain's arms industry (Business, 25 August), it is a shame that someone chose to illustrate it with......
The Right Wainwright
Sir: Can I make clear, which my diary last week (8 September) did not, that Martin Wainwright is both the Guardian's northern editor and the author of a fine new biography of......