Oddities Of The Zulu Campaign, By \varney Burton. (cecil...
we have a glimpse of the "seamy side" of the military redcoat. Ensign Dobbs, who, getting a little frightened one night, rides off to get help for his men, and is a hero for a......
A Story Of Autumn. By Mrs. Comyns Carr. (remington And
Co.) —Mrs. Comyn Carr has written a slight, graceful story, with just that fragrance of autumn leaves about it that suits the title. There is not much force or passion in the......
Sclhiemann's Ilios.* It Was Said Of Dr. Johnson, That He
was a man fit to "grapple with whole libraries." We felt, when we hastily inspected Dr. Schliemann's Mos, that we should find it a very tough job in- • Moe: the Clip and Conn......
Current Literature.
A livusehold Queen, and other Poems, By Alsager Hay Hill. (London Labour News Ottioe.)—The little volume of verses by Mr. Alsager Hay Hill has the merit of being unassuming and......