Michael Selzer Writes From Jerusalem: Jerusalem Is A...
well as a geographi- cal location; and the meaning of that metaphor --purifying, holy, challenging—is inescapably present in the town itself. Jerusalem itself is a very quiet,......
Business Lunch
Oh weary, weary grinds the crunch Of business chairmen chewing lunch. Though all must come to lunch, one finds They are of two distinctive kinds. Bright, laughing, red of face......
Congo Phase Two
AARON SEGAL writes froin Leopoldville : Prime Minister Tshombe has apparently succeeded in his initial aim_ of using the mer- cenaries and Congolese Army troops to seal the......
Political Commentag
Thoughts on the Race Bill By ALAN WATKINS The country is good for those who possess it, and too bad for others to be at the charge to conquer it. The air might be wholesome but......