16 APRIL 1988, page 27

Dukes And Dreadnoughts

Sir: Mr Robinson is being disingenuous (Letters, 2 April). He must know as well as I do that Lloyd George's 1909 Budget had nothing to do with Blue Streak or Mar- sham Street......


Saving museums Sir: I welcome Tanya Harrod's article (Arts, 26 March) on the predicament of the Hornimari and Geffrye museums as a very fair review of the situation. I have not......

Charm Of Starlings

Sir: P. J. Kavanagh (Life and letters, 13 February) writes as charmingly as ever about seeing the same birds as Shakespeare. Did he know that the Amer- icans introduced the......

Begging A Word

Sir: I am deaf. This may explain the misunderstanding embodied in Taki's account of cornering me at the Badminton Ball (9 April). He apparently thinks he asked me, in general......

Cover Graffiti

Sir: When I was about 13 I was rightly suspected (though not convicted) of some rather squalid graffiti scrawled on the walls of my prep-school lavatories. I have out- grown......

Bishop Blomfield

Sir: I have been abroad, and find on my return that my letter on Bishop Blomfield's trowel appears in the issue of 19 March. Some confusuion was caused by your printing Aldgate......

Shocking Cecil

Sir: It apparently does not occur to Jessica P. Harris (Letters, 26 March) that there is a vast difference between stoning an adul- teress to death and denying such a man as Mr......