The Year Of Birth Of Leonardo Da Vincl
(TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."J SIR,--The reviewer of M. Merejkowski's romance, " The Fore- runner," in the Spectator of August 9th, corrects the author's chronology by the......
ISRAEL PUTNAM.* " THE blunt and sturdy Israel Putnam," as Parkman called him, was born, in spite of himself, to be the hero of romance. Devoid of imagination, endowed with a......
CORONATION NIGHT IN THE HILLS. (AUGUST 9TH, 1902.) A BEACON from some solitary height Sent forth its message to the waiting night. Swiftly from out the quiet darkness came Flame......
The Increase Of English Game.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. ") Sur,—In the article on " The Increase of English Game" in the Spectator of August 9th you speak of the improvements in the game-producing......