[sir: I Have Just Finished Mr Waugh's Article...]
The case for Reagan Sir: I have just finished Mr Waugh's article entitled 'The case for Reagan' (2 August). I am only 15 and am therefore not too clear on the rules and laws of......
The Simpson Affair
Letters I The Simpson affair Sir: Your reviewer, Mr Forbes, might have been good enough to read my book The Duchess of' Windsor, rather than quote a fellow journalist (2......
[sir: I Find Henry Fairlie's Comments On...]
Sir: I find Henry Fairlie's comments on Carter in his recent articles to be very perceptive and Auberon Waugh's article on Reagan and Carter extremely unperceptive (2 August). I......
[sir: I Enjoy Many Aspects Of Your Publica-...]
Sir: I enjoy many aspects of your publica- tion, not least the unfashionable views so often propounded. I buy the Spectator for its originality of thought and variety of......
After The Olympics
After the Olympics Sir: We were delighted to read Simon Courtauld's Notebook of 26 July in which he described so clearly the whole Olympic hypocrisy. I will make every effort to......
Kenneth Tynan
Kenneth Tynan Sir: Back in 1950 my whole life was lit up by a long enthusiastic letter from Ken Tynan about a verse drama of mine. He said that it was hopeless as a play but......
[sir: Many Thanks For Mr Auberon Waugh's...]
Sir: Many thanks for Mr Auberon Wau2h's article in your issue of 2 August. It lifted the fog of malice and irrational prejudice generated by Messrs Fairlie and von Hoffman. Mr......
[sir: I Have Exceedingly Admired The Writings...]
The case for Fairlie Sir: I have exceedingly admired the writings of Henry Fairlie for 30 years. I am glad that he still can recognise the abundant wisdom of John Midgley (2......