Destruction Of Beauty In English Lake District.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR." SIR,—May I draw the attention of your valuable paper and of all lovers of the picturesque to a scheme -which is now under consideration for......
An Englishwoman In Italy. [to The Editor Op Tdb "spectator."
Sin, — I think the following letter which I have received from a friend who is now living in Italy may be of interest to Tour readers. It shows in a very striking way the bad......
English Hexameters. [to Ttie Editor Of Thb "spectator."]
have followed the discussion on classical metres in English with a special interest, for it brings back the memory of a brilliant young scholar who, if he bad lived, was......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "Spiscr.reros."1 SIB,—In your issue of December 2nd, commenting on "The English Churchman's Almanack," your reviewer says: "'High Altar,' we may remark,......