Letters To The Editor
Scotland's Claims SIR,—May I point out, in reply to Mr. Logan's letter in the Spectator of December 9th, that even if the present Cabinet only includes one Scotsman, the......
An Electioneering Gambit
Sta.—1 suggest that a great deal too much attention has been paid to Mr. Herbert Morrison's political bluff. It is sheer nonsense to suggcs( that the expenses of a firm or......
Roman Catholic Schools
Sik—As you rightly stated in the Spectator of November 18th, " the supreme achievement of the Education Act of 1944 was the agreed settlement of the religious question." For......
Sir,—as A Moderately Serious Person, North Of The Border...
I am astonished at the tone of your editorial paragraph, Scotland's Claims, in the Spectator of December 2nd. First of all, you state that "250,000 persons out of an adult......