16 DECEMBER 1972, page 25

The Trust's Duty

From Mrs Margot K. M. Crosse Sir: I read Yvonne Brock's letter (November 25) with a sense of shock and deep sadness, and was amazed this week to find that the National Trust had......

The Master's Views

Sir: Beverley Nichols is right to bemoan Noel Coward's apparent silence on topics of current interest (December 2). However, we do have the Master's views on Socialism. From......

Frelimo Activity

From lain Sproat, MP Sir: I read with interest your article on Mozambique, as I have only recently returned from there, and indeed have made a study of the Mozambique situation......

Peter., Fleming

Sir: I am collecting material for a biography of Peter Fleming — alias Strix — and I should very much like to have any letters, photographs or reminiscences that your readers......

The Irish Mess

Sir: I continue to read your magazine particularly with reference to Northern Ireland, now mostly described by you as an overspilling 'Irish mess.' It is overspilling, but is it......