16 FEBRUARY 1878, page 1

News Of The Week

T HERE was another great "scare" on Wednesday. It was re- ported everywhere, and especially in the House of Commons, that Lord Derby had again resigned, that the Russians had......

In The Course Of The Discussion, Mr. Fawcett Protested...

the desertion of the Opposition by its leaders, after some of them had made the strongest possible speeches against the vote ; to which Mr. Forster replied by saying that he had......

Against The Financial Proposal Mr. Gladstone Protested As...

ever, though he declined to be a party to any farther resistance after fairly recording his vote against it, and the reason of that vote. He could find no precedent for such a......

Yesterday Week The Discussion As To The Vote Of Credit

came on in Committee, and on that occasion a somewhat stronger minority opposed it than on the previous day, when the division was on the question whether the House should go......

Admiral Hornby, With Eight British Men-of-war, Entered...

the morning of the 14th, and the Turks, though pro- testing, did not resist. Leaving, therefore, two ironclads at Gallipoli, the Admiral steamed on with the remaining six to......

On Bringing Up The Report Of The Vote Of Credit

on Monday night, a discussion arose which was chiefly remarkable for the eloquent outburst by Mr. Joseph Cowen, the Member for New- castle-on-Tyne, against Russia, and in favour......

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any case.......