Germany And Alsace Lorraine
SIR,—The article on "The Problem of Prussia" by H. Sinsheimer, published in your issue of November 14th, has just come to my notice. Why does Mr. Sinsheimer drag Alsace into his......
Sta,—i Gather From Mr. Willis's Letter That With...
Empire Banks controlled by the City, the question of whether the word " British " appears in the name of the bank is immaterial. Mr. Willis explains that some Empire banks, for......
The British Commonwealth
SIR,—Mr. Connely's letter in your issue of January and is, I think, written under an entire misapprehension of the position. In the first place I know of no Australian Bank......
Letters To The Editor
THE ALLIES AND FRANCE Sia,—I have read with interest the article published in your issue of January 9th by "A French Correspondent" concerning allied policy towards Vichy-France......
Music And The B.b.c.
Snt,—" Janus's " criticisms in your issue of January and of the B.B.C.'s attitude to music are severe but fortunately inaccurate and easily disproved. One has only to refer to......