The future of Hong Kong Sir: In 1997 I shall be 57 years old but, possibly of greater interest, the lease of Hong Kong's New Territories will revert to the Chinese. In practice......
The Giles Connection
Sir: Auberon Waugh writes (9 January) that it has not escaped his notice that Frank Giles `is a member of the Executive Com- mittee of the Great Britain-USSR Associa- tion.......
Startling Salaries
Sir: I was sorry to learn from your Notebook of 2 January that Sir Christopher Chancellor was only paid £300 a year by Reuters in 1930. While working recently on the......
Malaysian Matters
Sir: `The Cartland factor' by Mr Richard West (19 December) drew interesting references to'the background on the present state of relations between Britain and Malaysia. I am......
Alpine Boat People
Sir: High-lifer Taki's description of Gstaad as the Mecca of the camel people (9 January) skilfully ignores an equally (if not More) important influence on the seasonal `jet -......
Kate O'brien
Sir: I am working on a biography of the frisk novelist, Kate O'Brien, and would be grateful to hear from anybody who has in- formation relating to her. I am especially......
The Right To Know
„ S ir: You published an advertisement (12 p e cember) from a group called `Parents Against Political Propaganda in Education' which attacked the ILEA's production of inf......