15 JUNE 1944, page 13

Education In Africa

Sett,—I read with great interest your editorial article on " Education in Africa " in your issue of January 14th. As a planter of some experience in Bast Africa and being......

Sus,—the Medical Profession Should Be Grateful To The...

opening its columns to discussion of the Government's scheme for a national comprehensive medical service, while feeling surprised that on the whole the Press has devoted so......

India Since Cripps

Sra,—May I reply briefly to Mr Alexander? As regards his first point, I can only quote page 19 of his book, where he says " It was a bitter thing for India's leaders to feel......

Sta,—miss Era Gray's Article " The Plebs In Conflict "

is a good piece of surface observation, but she makes no attempt to analyse, and shows no sign of understanding, the reason for the conflicts that she describes. Her article......

The Plebs In Conflict

Stn,—As a Pleb, I wish to confirm Miss Reaveley's experiences in a factory, with the reservation that such emotions only arose after the freedom and mental stimulation of......