News Of The Week.
'Tars has been a week of miscellaneous and not uninteresting busi- ness in Parliament. Even the hackueyed subject of the Corn-laws has been handled in a way to acquire a fresh......
Alas For The Discipline Of Our Reformed Church, And The
authority of her Prelates ! A Rector in the diocese of Peter- borough has been making great scandal : after mixing freely in the " gayeties " which render London and Paris so......
Debates Anb Vroteebings In Varliament.
EFFECTS OF PROTECTION ON WORKING AGRICULTURISTS. In the House of Commons, on Tuesday, Mr. COBDEN rose to make his motion for a Select Committee to inquire into the effect of......
A Dinner To Mr. O'connell, This Week, At Covent Garden
Theatre, has been boasted as a great demonstration of " English sympathy " with Ireland. English sympathy with Ireland is a better thing. Who were there ? A thousand people, of......