Prices Current.
BRITISH FUNDS. Friday. (Closing Prices.) Friday. 3 per Cent Consols 924 Bank Stock, 10 per Cent. Ditto for Account 924 India Stock, 101 per Cent 3 per Cents Reduced Exchequer......
BOTH Houses of Parliament sat last night. In the House of Commons, the CHANCELLOR of the Excncrotrrat said he hoped to be able to introduce the Budget on Thursday, 11th April.......
A Despatch From Warsaw, Dated Yesterday, States That "the...
tation of the citizens of Warsaw, to which Prince Gortschakoff com- municated the rescript of the Emperor, was astounded at the tone of the document. Prince Gortschakoff......
It Is Currently Reported That Sir Benjamin Brodie Has...
from the practice of his profession, and it is suggested that he should be made a Peer. It is reported that Prince Louis of Hesse-Darmstadt, who is betrothed to the Princess......
Money Market.
STOCK ERMA/tog" FRIDAY AFTERNOON. THERE has been a less active demand for money in the Stock Ex- change throughout the week, and the rates have been between 51 to 6 per cent.......