Sharkish Tactics
From Mr Edward Spalton Sir: George Monbiot's perceptive article (Public disgrace, 9 March) shows what a rotten deal the Private Finance Initiative gives to taxpayers and users......
From Mr Robert Van Stekelenbutg
Sir: The real reason why the PFI scheme continues to be heralded by the government is that it is a very good way to increase the confusion about where the public sector ends and......
Christians In Israel
From Mr Bret Stephens Sir: What an astonishing piece of writing you have published in the form of a letter (23 February) from Israel Shamir, Israel's very own Noam Chomsky. In......
Unfair To The Saudis
From Sir James Craig Sir: I have the disadvantage, in Mark Steyn's eyes, of being a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, a country (I would guess) in which he has never set foot.......
From Mr Paul Kellogg Sir: Suggesting That Destabilisation...
friend, as Mark Steyn does, in regard to Saudi Arabia, is a foolish if not irresponsible position. Has not the Middle East already been the source of great anguish? Why go......