16 MAY 1885, page 14

The Bust Of Coleridge.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR "1 Silt,—I shall be glad if you will allow me to supplement with some additional information what has been already announced with regard to the......

Lowell And Coleridge. Lto 711e Editor Of.the...

strikes me :as remarkable, that, among the eloquent -speakers xvlao followed Mr. Lowelllast Thursday at the Chapter-I:louse, no one pointed out the likeness 'between the......

"variation ' S In 'the Punishment Of Crime."

To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." Sm—Your reviewer, in his remarks upon the paper by Mr. Justice Stephen on the above subject, says, inter alia, "It [i.e., hard labour] is said......

_marriages Of _affinity.

TO .THE IBDITOR OF THE "tibpzumroz.-" Ste,—.Allow.me,--as a clergyman, and what is commonly-called a High Ohurchnian, to - corroborate your statement, that' the -passages......

- The Queien' - S English.

rro THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." _I SIR,—Your correspondent, "An Anxious Guardian of the Queen's English," has appealed unto Shakespeare ; unto Shakespeare shall he go. Ile......


THE INSTITUTE OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLOUR - S. IT is with a /certain mingling/of - regret and satisfaction that wehave to acknowledge that our -predictions 'with regard to the"......