16 MAY 1958, page 7

I See That The Decision To Turn Our Atlantic Air-

craft carriers into helicopter carriers for anti- submarine work has caused some surprise at NATO headquarters; the only really surprising thing about the decision, I would have......

Readers Of The News Chronicle Have Recently Been...

various aspects of Liberal policy. I am privileged to bring this enlighter ment to a different audience. The 1.,*b*r*1 leader answers your queries on party policy. Ask 3* Gem*nd......

His Name Is Eugene Lonesco, And Many A Puzzled Wife

mishearing the gabble at a green- room cocktail party has confused him with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul- tural Organisation. Leslie Mallory in the News......

The Failure Of President Benes

By SIDNEY Z. ELLER* T EN years have gone by since the iron cur- tain came down along the western border of Czechoslovakia; and twenty years since disturb- ances broke out in the......