Whose Guilt?
SIR, —Since Mr. Fraser appears to feel guilty about the fate of Berlin I can only assume he also feels guilty about the six million Jew s murdered by the Germans.—Yours......
Sir, —my Hypotheses Concerning The Teacher Of...
not quite so unsupported by evidence as Mr. iGwilym Griffith's amusing letter might indicate. And even 'ordinary laymen' like the writer have access to most of the evidence......
Sir,-1 Have Been Asked By Lady Beerbohm, In Accordance With
the wishes of the late Sir Max Beerbohm, to write his life. I should be grateful if anyone with letters or reminiscences of him could communicate with me.—Yours faithfully,......
Sir,—what Must Be Done At Once For Hungary Is To
organise relief and to help in every way we can those who are still desperately fighting for their freedom. To propose a parallel activity, on a different level, is not to......
Sharp Practice
THE SWINDLERS. (Cameo-Polytechnic.) SOMEWHERE in Dostoievski a group of peoPiC play a game in which each person has to describe the meanest action of his life. One of the......
Contemporary . Arts
In Time of Trouble DURING the last weeks we've been using radio as we used it during the war—the nine o'clock news particularly must have made a big come- back in listening......