Solution To Crossword 731: Ambiguity The Related Lights...
order in which they are partly clued) at 31 & 10, 7A & 7D, 16 & 35, 24 & 34, 18 & 25, 9 & 8 and 5 & 39 are HOMONYMS. Winners: Thomas F. Graham, Southampton (£20); L. C. Smith,......
Mr World Raymond Keene (London) David Goodman (Moscow) G ary Kasparov, at 22, has become the youngest world champion in the history of the game. His nerves held for the 24th and......
No, 1398: Latin Exercise
You are invited to write a poem (maximum 12 lines) in English but in a Latin metre (hexameters, elegiacs, sapphics, alcaics etc, but please state which). Entries to `Competition......
I n Competition No. 1395 you were asked to describe for a newspaper a sedentary game in the parlance usually reserved for Violently physical ones. Last week Karpov's 'almost......