Irish Largesse
Sir: One missive was conspicuously absent from the testimonials produced on behalf of Sir Nicholas Scott (`Braying in Manor Street', 9 November): a note from his doc- tor......
Innocent Bedfellows
Sir: I very much enjoyed Jonathan Keates's review of Julie ICavanagh's superb biogra- phy of Frederick Ashton (Books, 9 Novem- ber). However, I think Mr Keates is mistak- en in......
Reviewer Rebuked
Sir: One hesitates to criticise a critic — it is so easy to appear churlish — but I suggest that Philip Hensher, one of your two lead book reviewers, is guilty either of......
A Difficult Son
Sir: I remember Suez (`Canal running through London', 9 November) because Paul Johnson's mother taught me history in 1956. She also talked about her 'difficult and Red son'. Mrs......
Wonderful Entertainment
Sir: Can I through your columns sincerely thank Messrs Al Fayed, Hamilton, Steven, Rusbridger, Rowland (it's great to see him rejoining the battle) and even the bit play- ers......
Our Perfect Model
Sir: Curiously, the last two or three times I have seen Petronella Wyatt at parties she has seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. As the publishers of Encore magazine so......
Sir: Petronella Wyatt's article (Another voice, 26 October) was based on an inaccu- rate premise. I have to date stayed well clear of party politics and have not 'come out' for......