16 NOVEMBER 2002, page 55
Servant Of A Theory
John Keegan SUPREME COMMAND: SOLDIERS, STATESMEN AND LEADERSHIP IN WARTIME by Eliot A. Cohen The Free Press! Simon & Schuster, £17.99, pp. 288, ISBN 0743230493 D uring the Cuban......
Beating The Wet Blanket
Judith Keppel MILLIONAIRE MOMENTS: WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE — MY STORY by Chris Tarrant Time Warner Books, £7.99, pp. 358, ISBN 0316724564 I am not an avid television......
Jellicles, Gumbies And Others
Doris Lessing THE NINE EMOTIONAL LIVES OF CATS by Jeffrey Masson Cape, £16.99, pp. 264, ISBN 0345448820 h e cat books I like least generalise: All cats are proud ... selfish .........