[to The. Editor Of The "spectator. "' Sir,—mr. Balfour In...
speech on national defence and the Volunteers makes two remarkable statements. He says that unless the force " justifies its existence "—presumably by increased training—the......
[to Thy Editor Of The "spectator.""]
am surprised to learn from your issue of Sep- tember 2nd (p. 306) that " arbitration as a geneial principle is unattainable, for no nation will ever con- sent to arbitrate about......
The Congo State And The British People. (to This Editor
OP THE " spEcrerow'l would seem that full justice was not done to the speech of Sir Albert Rollit at Liege on September 6th. According to Reuter's telegram giving an epitome of......
[to Tee Editor Of The "spectator. "] Sir, — It Appears To Me
that the footnote which you appended to the Australian's impressions of England which appeared in your issue of August 12th might with advantage have been appended to his......