17 APRIL 1953, page 15


Although it grieves me to see the damage done by bird-nesters, I cannot help feeling a slight sympathy for the schoolboy who goes bird-nesting. Now, with the lengthening days......

Country Life

ONE of the most extraordinary-accounts of animal behaviour I have even encountered comes to me from Miss Lucy Samman of North Ferriby in Yorkshire, and makes me wonder again......

The Monkey Puzzle

Now and again, in the grounds of an estate or in the centre of a lawn of a large house, 1 have looked at the tree commonly called a mon- key puzzle tree, and its strange growth......

Daybreak A Dog Barked Up At The Farm, And I

lay awake listening to it. For a time it was the only sound. and then an owl hooted in the trees across the road. Slowly the blackness above the trees dissolved into a grey......

Asparagus This Month Is The Time To Establish An Asparagus

bed. Three-year- old plants should be put in a bed previously trenched and manured and built up roughly nine inches above the general level of the sur- round;ng garden. Crowns......