17 AUGUST 1850, page 20

Publications Received.

Booxs. Books of mark still continue to appear. Mr. Sonia, known for various philological works, and an able and ingenious essay on Primeval His- tory,* has now completed one......

Staple, On The 10th Angust,.at Gopsall, The Countess...

a son. On the 11th, at Kingstanduig. Staffordshire; the, Hon. Mrs. O. H. H ollaed, of a son. 1 On the 12th, in Gordon Square, Eady Romilly, of a son. . On the 14th, at Exton......

Military Gazette.

WAR-OFFICE, Aug. 16.-2d Regt. of Drag. Guards.—Lient. J. C. Jones to be Capt. by purchase, vice Ibbetson, who retires; Cornet J. Clements to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Jones......