Invincible Prejudice.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Your correspondent Mr. Archer Gurney, speaking in reference to the damnatory clauses of the Athanasian Creed, says, "The most extreme......
[to Trh Editor Of Trh "speatter0a."3
SIR,—Your article on "The Efficacy of Prayer" has called forth so many letters, that I can hardly expect you to find room for mine. If any of your readers were capable of......
PLUTARCH.* WE feel indebted to the enterprise of an eminent American firm forsupplying us with a revised edition of the translation of Plutaras Morals, translated from the area......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator:1
Sin,—I have read with much interest the letters in your paper upon the efficacy of prayer. I now venture to intrude the few following remarks upon that subject, as it appears to......
PRAYER. PRAYING to Thee, our wills do not require That Thou, the Lord who doest all things well; Guiding thy world by laws immutable, Shouldat, when some wishes of our hearts......
(to Tim Editor Of Thb "spectator:1
Sin,—If your correspondent " Protagoras " finds "the doctrine of prayer, as popularly held," actually interfering with sanitary reforms in his own town, he may be right to......