17 AUGUST 1991, page 32
Lacking A Scripture
Frederic Raphael HELLENISM IN LATE ANTIQUITY by G. W. Bowersock CUP, £19.50, pp.121 hat is Hellenism? When did antiqui- ty lapse? Who cares? The questions are important, in......
Dividing Asunder Of All Souls And Spirit
Peter Levi HIDDEN JOURNEY by Andrew Harvey Bloomsbury, £14.99, pp.240 A ll Souls is a pinnacle which is usually attained awfully early in life. Some people get bored with it.......
Starting At The Bottom
James Hamilton THE WOOD-ENGRAVINGS OF BLAIR HUGHES-STANTON by Penelope Hughes-Stanton Private Libraries Association, £45, pp. 183 O ne of the most refreshing qualities of......