The Falls Of Niagara Are To Be " Utilised "
in earnest. Pro- fessor G. Forbes on Wednesday informed the Society of Arts that the Niagara Construction Company had already put up works on the American side, and were already......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (2k) Were On
Friday 97t.......
Lord Rosebery, In His Speech, Chose For Special Eulogy Mr.
Gladstone's courage and sympathy. As to his courage,— which sometimes amounts to rashness,—there can be no two opinions ; but one may certainly say with truth that Mr. Gladstone......
We Deeply Regret To Record That Mr. William Watson, Whose
verse has the stamp of a very original genius, is suffering from -a second attack on the brain. From the first attack, which occurred about twelve years ago, he so completely......
The Leaders Of Both Parties In America Appear To Be
most unwilling to act decisively on the recent popular verdict. The Republicans are professing readiness to yield as regards the duties on tin-plates and wool, but will resist......
Lord Battersea (mr. Cyril Flower) Is A Little Hurt At
the. sarcasms which have been lavished upon him because he, a Radical of Radicals, accepted, and, it is presumed, sought, a peerage. He took the opportunity, therefore, of a......
Two Cabinet Ministers, Lord Rosebery And Mr. Asquith,...
first meeting of the London Reform Union on Thursday night. Both made effective speeches, Lord Rose- bevy dwelling most on the necessity of including the City, and making the......
In The East Aberdeenshire Election, Caused By Mr. Essle-...
acceptance of office under the present Government, the majority was reduced from 1,624 at the General Election, to 1,326 on Saturday last. This is not, however, at all a greater......