[to 'the Editor Or The "spectator."] Sir,—very Many...
your publishing my letter under signature " Free-Trader " on the 3rd inst. May I just mention at the same time a point that possibly has appeared already in your paper How can......
Letters To The Editor.
THE REFERENDUM. [To THE EDITOR 01THZ "SPECTATOR.."] Sut,—You are in the fortunate position of a heretic whose heresy has overcome opposition and been received as part of the......
[to Ter Editor Of Ter "spectator."]
Sra,—May I give you—out of thousands that I feel sure might be quoted—one specific instance in proof of the fifth paragraph of your excellent article in the last issue on the......
Home-r1tle For Tbilland.—a Retrospect And A Criticism.
[To THE EDITOR OY THE "SPECTATOR."3 Sin,—Now that Home-rule has been again adopted as part of the official Liberal programme, it may not be uninteresting to hear the criticisms......