No Tragedy
Sir: I would like to thank you for your kind feature in the Bookend Column (February 3), but may I correct one apparent misapprehension? The policy of budget-cost novels......
J. T. Grein
Sir, I am writing a book on J. T. Grein and his Independent Theatre in London, and would appreciate any information from readers on it, and particularly its Manchester branch......
Sir: "Why? " asks The Spectator in his notebook, referring to recent Protestant violence in Ulster. Does he really not know? For fifty years the minority ' refused to recognise......
The Good Men
Sir: I must congratulate Mr R. J. Bevins on his article under 'Where have the good men gone' in your February 3 edition, not for his good sense, but for being so able to show......
Sir: With Reference To Your Article Where Have The Good
Men Gone?, February 3, J. R. Bevins, as anybody who remembers him on a political platform will agree, would be well advised to keep off the subject of bores. It was necessary......
The National Trust
Sir: For many years I have been Head Guide at Montacute House and have also acted as administrator and been in sole charge of the house during the absences of the late......
Infamous Conduct
Sir: On January 20 you published a letter from Dr J. R. Wilson about 'Infamous Conduct '. Dr Wilson asserted that the General Medical Council's definition of serious......