The Opening Of The Legislative Session. [from Our Special...
London, January 14, 1863. " Ce n' eat pas an diseours d'ouverture, mais an discours de fermeture." The speech by which Napoleon opened, on Monday last, the Session of the Senate......
Int Arts.
THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. SOME weeks ago the English public was called upon to choose between two seta of advisers ; the one urging it to regulate an important part of......
Mr. Thomas Hughes On Professional Sportsmen.
To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." Sin,—As the subject of sports has been started in connection with the discussion about the recent fight, I should like to say a few words upon......
English Christianity And Slavery. To The Editor Of The...
SIR,—With the sincerest gratitude I have read the protest which in behalf of Christianity itself you have made against the doctrine maintained by the Saturday Review on the......