A Council In Palestine
[To the Editor of TilE SPECTATO1.] Sin, — Lord Melehett in a letter to the Manchester Guardian (November 27th, 1935) appeared to hope for " three to four million Jews " in "......
School Meals
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Alfli6ukh the recent eirchlar of the Board of Education, Which has had some notice in your columns, drops the former requirement of......
Cruelty To Foxes
To the Editor of Tim SPECTATOR.] Sin ,—In the Press of December 24th, 1935, was reported a Police Court case in which the Master and a Hunt Servant of the South puilmm Hounds......
National Idealism And Religion
To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,The letter from Professor Maurice Belton is frankly a pathetic dOcutnent.. He notes storm-clouds once more darkening over Christian Europe......