Westminster Commentary
'MEN crowded round him, patting his back and gripping his hand, and women kissed him . . . when he left . . . a crowd surged round him on the pavement outside, still cheering......
M Demanding Legislation Of Some Sort, Dt. Fisher Has An
unanswerable case. But the Gov- ernment will presumably appoint a committee tinder the chairmanship of Sir Oliver Franks, lord Radcliffe, or possibly Sir. John Wolfenden, to......
From An Evening Standard Poster :
In View Of The Recent Correspondence In The Spectator As
to whether or not the questions in the News Chronicle's Gallup poll were 'angled,' I was amused to find what seemed another flagrant instance in last Tuesday's Chronicle. The......
I Am Beginning To Find What Is Happening, Or Not
happening, at the South Pole almost as big a bore as what is happening, or not happening, to the Misses Bartok, Dors, Mansfield and Kennedy. The main object of the expeditions......
A Spectator's Notebook
THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY may be too , prone to loose off ecclesiastical thunderbolts at card- board targets; as a result his good sense is often dismissed as mere......
It Was A Good Idea To Bring Together Political Leaders
and television nabobs to discuss the future of political broadcasting; and an excellent idea to bring them together unofficially, without pub- licity—particularly as the......