According To The Latest Intelligence From Burnish, The...
India has issued a notification declaring all disputes between Burmah and India ended, except as regards the right of the Indian Government to send an escort with its next......
Mr. Cross Took His "employers' And Workmen's Bill" And His
"Conspiracy and Protection of Property Bill" almost through committee last Monday, and in relation to the latter, he made great concessions to Mr. Lowe's very wise suggestion......
Mr. Fawcett In Seconding Sir Charles Dilke's Motion,...
the necessity for either the cumulative vote or some better expe- dient equivalent to it in effect, advocating, not equal electoral dis- tricts, but the grouping of boroughs,......
The Turkish Budget For 1875-76 Was Published On The 12th
July. The total revenue may be stated in round numbers at 119,000,000, and the total expenditure at £23,500,000, and the Ministers affirm that no reduction whatever can be made......
Mr. Forsyth Made A Feeble Attempt To Remedy That Particular
defect in the "Conspiracy and Protection of Property Bill" on which we have frequently insisted, namely, that a conspiracy to break a contract may be so infinitely more......
After A Short Reply From Mr. Goachen, In Which He
reminded the House that Mr. Disraeli was really committed to the right of • the agricultural labourer to the vote, and to the admission that this would involve a considerable......
Lord Penzance Put A Question To Lord Derby On Monday,
in relation to the German despatch to Belgium of the 3rd of February last, in which the German Minister lays it down as an "incontestable principle of international law" that "a......
On Thursday Evening, Sir Charles Dllke Proposed A...
"it is the duty of Her Majesty's Government to cause in- quiry to be made into the various methods of bringing about a juster distribution of political power, with a view of......
The Rev. E. Moore, Vicar Of Spalding, Lincolnshire, With...
or four other magistrates, recently sentenced a girl of thirteen to fourteen days' imprisonment and four years in a refotanatory, for plucking a geranium in the garden of the......