17 MARCH 1888, page 1

** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


News Of The Week.

T HE funeral of the Emperor William, the grandest of all melancholy pageants since the Duke of Wellington died, will have taken place before these lines reach our readers, and......

The Extent To Which The New Emperor Will Le Able

to fulfil his promises is still unknown ; but the omens are unfavourable. As often happens in his disease, the general health is but slightly affected, and the Emperor displays......

On Wednesday, A Very Curious Scene Took Place In The

House of Commons, Mr. Bradlang13,—who was so lately kept out of the House at the sacrifice of weeks of valuable Parliamentary time, —having carried his Affirmation Bill by a......

The Emperor, Who Had Previously Described The Army As "the

necessary and surest guarantee" for the execution of the tasks of the State, concludes with a repudiation of all ambitious de- signs :—" Careless of the splendour of glorious......

The Progress Of Events In Roumania Demands Careful Atten-...

It is more important to the Russian Government to retain its influence in Bucharest than even in Sofia itself, for without such influence it has no means for the safe passage of......